
The Maryland Entrepreneurs Resource List (MERL) started in 2012 and has had some recent success in providing leadership to early stage companies. One example is Ocular Proteomics, LLC, OPL. [READ MORE LINK.] Joshua Hines, business director for OPL, has contacted several MERL members.  Joshua found two MERL members, Michael David and Bob Balcerzak who were helpful to OPL. These two MERL members have now  become part of OPL’s Advisory Board.  The company, located in the BioPark, monitors the health of the eyes by identifying molecular predictors of eye diseases.

Anton Dormer, chairman and CFO of PepVax, contacted several MERL members and found Alex Matschiner and Paul LaPorte, who have become company advisors.  They have helped PepVax keep its focus on a lead vaccine candidate and helped manage vendors. They will also advise with the company’s presentation to a potential investor. PepVax is a virtual company specializing in the development of peptide vaccines for the treatment of cancer.  “Maryland is a wonderful place for start-ups because there are so many helpful people,” said Dormer.

These are just two of many MERL success stories. MERL has had several more members who are currently acting as advisors to young companies as well as those who have provided mentorship to many more companies. To register to become a MERL mentor or find a MERL advisor, click here.


TEDCO, the Maryland Technology Development Corporation, enhances economic empowerment growth through the fostering of an inclusive entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem. TEDCO identifies, invests in, and helps grow technology and life science-based companies in Maryland. Learn more at

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Tammi Thomas, Chief Development & Marketing Officer, TEDCO,